martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

10 oraciones con " there are" y " there is ", utilizando many, some, munch y any

  There are
  1. There are some parks in the city
  2. There are some cookies
  3. There aren t any vegetables
  4. There are many banks in this town
  5. There are many buildings
  6. There are many stores in the shopping
  7. There are four eggs in the refrigerator
  8. There are two glasses
  9. There are many cakes in the refrigerator
  10. There are many cookies
   There is
  1. There is some butter
  2. There is some orange juice
  3. There isn"t munch money in the bank
  4. There is some milk in the refrigerator
  5. there is munch vegetables
  6. There isn"t  any cookie
  7. There isn"t any sugar
  8. There isn"t munch water
  9. There isn"t  many cake
  10. There isn"t some milk

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Normas del buen hablante y el buen oyente

Normas del buen hablante:
  1. Mirar al oyente.
  2. Hablar en forma clara y sencilla.
  3. No pasar de un tema a otro desordenadamente.
  4. Usar un tono de voz adecuado.
  5. Al terminar de hablar ceder el puesto al oyente.
Normas del buen oyente:
  1. Mirar al hablante.
  2. Prestar atencion.
  3. Respetar la opinion del hablante.
  4. Hacer silencio hasta que le corresponda hablar.